Meeting Presentations

Peninsula Chapter VP Kim Merrick introduces several "trail apps". Enjoy this overview presented at our August 17, 2022, membership meeting.

So You Want to Ride the Olympics?
Peninsula Chapter's own trail expert and packer, Tom Mix, shares his thoughts about his favorite trails on the Olympic Peninsula. The first in a series. This link will download a PowerPoint presentation. An audio version is "under construction". 6-15-2022

Enjoy this fascinating Question & Answer session with internationally famous author and horseman, Mark Rashid. Mark is known for his ability to understand the horse's point of view and solve difficult problems by addressing the root of the problem with communication rather than force. 4-20-2022

Showcasing Washington's Amazing Trails
Trail Guidebooks author, Kim McCarrel, reviews five of her favorite horse trails/camps in Washington. Learn about Capitol State Forest, Scatter Creek, Keenes Horse Camp, Sahara Creek Horse Camp, and White Pass Horse Camp. 3-2-2022.

The John Wayne Trail Ride Presentation
Jeff Chapman & Juelie Dalzell
"Eighteen days of nomad living across the Palouse by horse, cart, and bike. An adventure for the tough of heart involving death, sandstorm, attack badgers, tumbleweed, happy hours, and catered meals.” 2-2-2022.

BCHW Peninsula Chapter - Equine Emergency Preparedness 9.18.24
Judy Sarles - BCHW Peninsula and Buck Horn Range BOD member
Judy presents important considerations both for disaster preparedness, and emergency activities.

BCHW JeffCo Fire June 2024 EEP
Jefferson County Fire Chief Bret Black
Chief Black's presentation covers topics around: 2024 Wildfire Outlook, Wildfire Incident Review, Evacuation Review, and CWPP

Jec A. Ballou: "Improving Athleticism During the Winter"
Jec's presentation on improving your horse's athleticism during the winter to prep for the spring rides.
Click here to see video. The passcode for the Zoom video is: MxJNR=^2